I’d like to argue against the modern day philosophy that truth is relative to the person, that there is no such thing as absolute truth. I believe that there is such thing as absolute truth and here is why;

We live in a world where opposites are evident, we know that black and white are opposites, up and down are opposites, along with left and right, soft and hard, big and small, weak and strong, so therefore on a scale of opposites, there HAS to be Truth and Lie.

We also need to acknowledge that we live in a world where we seek justice. We all want justice, not just for society but also for ourselves. No one wants to be take advantage of, we all want justice. So, whoever or whatever is controling the universe, ultimately wants us to have justice. I believe that there is a God, the evidence is overwhelming, so on a spiritual level, I must come to realize that in a world of desired justice, that the God who created all this, is righteous, and if He is indeed righteous, then He would give us the ability to know Truth.

How do I know there has to be truth, because truth is all around us… on a smaller scale of truth, we know that 2+2=4, that is truth, therefore we live in a Reality that Truth obviously exists. On a bit larger scale, we know that the sun sets in the west and rises in the east, that is truth, we know that, we can see that. On an even larger scale, we know that we live on a round planet, on a sphere, so that is truth… so if truth is relative, then the people who once believed the earth was flat are right? No, they had it wrong, and they later discovered the Truth, so you can’t hold on to the belief that the earth is flat, because that is not the truth…

The only way we can discover truth is if we see the reality in which we live in, and how do we see this reality? Well we come to understand our reality by our senses, but if our senses are distorted, then it becomes harder to see Reality because we are looking in the wrong direction. Our senses only translate information and create a reality in our minds… for example, the old question of “if a tree falls in the middle of a forest, does it make a sound?” I will go ahead and argue, no, it doesn’t, because sound is only the vibration of air traveling at different frequencies… it is only our ear that picks up these vibrations and turns them into sound… therefore, if there is no EAR around to translate the vibrations of the air traveling from the action of the tree falling to the ground, then there is no sound… there is vibrations, but no sound…

So our senses can be distorted and give us a different perspective of the reality in which we live in. As in a dream, while dreaming, we see, hear, feel, taste and sometimes maybe even smell… dreams can feel so real sometimes but are they real? no We are actually just asleep, not really doing anything… So when our minds are not intune with reality, and our senses are distorted from reality, then we are technically “asleep.”

So the test for humanity would be to find truth in a world where Truth does exist but truth can be distorted.

So Truth is all around us… Truth exists, so what is the ultimate Truth? If God is a righteous God and has given us a nature of wanting justice, then would he not be justified and righteous to give us the opportunity to know Truth?

The Truth shall set you free, The Truth also hurts… So there is Truth, but what is truth? That is something I believe people should spend more time thinking about… There is Truth, what is truth? or maybe the question is, Who is Truth?